Movie Survey

A religious organization named "Faith Driven Consumer" recently polled it’s subscribers:

"SURVEY: Noah Movie Controversy? As a Faith Driven Consumer, are you satisfied with a Biblically themed movie – designed to appeal to you – which replaces the Bible’s core message with one created by Hollywood? Yes/No"

This organization found that 98% of its supporters answered "No" – 98% said they were dissatisfied with the upcoming Noah movie.

What logical fallacy is used in this survey question?

Read this Short List of Fallacies if you want to learn about fallacies:


Loaded Question: Where someone asks one question which assumes the answer to a second question.

  • Neighbor: “Why do you like to disturb the neighborhood by playing your music so loud everybody can hear it a mile away?” [Does the neighbor really like to disturb the neighborhood?]
  • Judge: “Have you stopped beating your poor dog yet?” [Has he ever begun beating his dog?]

How would you re-write the question in this survey to make it not a loaded question?


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